About the Author

I am Owomugiisha Casper Grace a teacher of English Language, Literature In English and General Paper. I love writing about real life situations(Non fiction), It never goes out of style and in one way as it is entertaining someone I don’t even know about, it may become their only hope and strength or motivation. Please stay, scroll and read on. Cheers.

Journal Now Available!

The quotations in this Journal appeal to our daily lives. They are a combination of love, confidence and shreds of hope in this journey called life.

“The pain you have been feeling can’t compare to the joy that is coming.” Romans 8:18

Shreds of Hope

Journal Preface

This journal is intended to provide hope to all those who are struggling with life that there are shreds they can always hold on. Confidence is also vital because it gives one the courage to keep pushing and becoming the better version of themselves. May these quotations comfort you and give you a positive attitude to face each day with hope and joy. Life is what you choose to make it. May you choose Hope and Joy each day that passes by.